Anethum graveolens L.
Dill "Moroz Ivanych" - Anethum graveolens.
One of the most popular varieties for freezing, with a highly aromatic green mass. Early ripening, from full germination to harvesting for greens 25-35 days. The plants are compact, the leaves are large. The bushes are well leafy. The taste of greens is very good. Marketable yield is 1.5-2 kg/m2.
Recommended for fresh consumption, drying and freezing.
Agricultural technology.
Dill is a cold-resistant, light-loving plant that prefers fertile and moist areas.
Dill seeds are sown on prepared soil without tillage but with mandatory mulching of 2-3 cm with peat.
Further care consists of loosening the rows, watering and fertilizing. To obtain earlier greens, dill is sown before winter (in the second ten days of October).
Sowing is carried out repeatedly - before winter with dry seeds and several times in the spring, starting from late April - early May, to a depth of 1-2 cm in a continuous way or in a row (with row spacing of 15-20 cm).
To obtain flowering plants, leave a distance of 45-50 cm between the rows.
To speed up germination, it is advisable to soak the seeds for two days before sowing, periodically changing the water.
1.0 grams = 600-800 seeds.